Expert Witness
In 2011, the Supreme Court removed blanket immunity for Expert Witnesses. Solicitors are increasingly requiring experts to demonstrate that they have adequate Expert Witness PII cover before they will consider instructing them. Experts who work for large practices may have cover already under their firm's arrangements but insurance market treatment of the professions is not uniform and you should check carefully.
Significant premium discounts have been negotiated for Experts who have completed recognised training as they are less likely to face legal action.
Recognised training for expert witnesses, including medico legal experts:
- Bond Solon Expert Witness Report Writing Course
- Cardiff University Bond Solon (CUBS) Expert Witness Certificate
- University of Aberdeen Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate
In completing these courses you become eligible for:
- Low cost premiums from £84 (including IPT) for non-medical experts and from £371 (including IPT) for medical experts.
- Nil excess for non-medical experts. £250 excess for medical experts.
- Generous limits of indemnity for you to choose.
- Cover for your own legal defence costs.
- Premium payment can be made by credit card, and for medical experts, by instalments
NB If you have not currently been on a training course, it may be worth exploring. Our experience has been that the PI saving can be significant compared to your current policy and can offset some or all of your course costs.
If you have undertaken training with Bond Solon, please select the icon below to obtain your discounted quote.

If you have not undertaken any Bond Solon training, please click the link below:
You will be re-directed to the Insurers quotation site to obtain your quote.

NTEGRITY will review your current wording and can advise you on this without charge. If you work for a large firm, you may have to pay a large self-insured excess in the event of a claim. The cover provided by Bond Solon has a much lower excess, you have control over the protection you need.
The policy provides cover for Expert Witness work only. NTEGRITY can take care of your entire Professional Indemnity needs, please contact us on
01454 800 800 or
Medical professionals can be covered (but not for treatment risks under this policy - NTEGRITY can help cover this for you separately where required).
The Insurer and policy
The Bond Solon policies are insured by HCC International, with non-Bond Solon policies insured by PIA, who have both provided specialist cover for experts for years. A copy of the full policy wording can be downloaded from within the system once you begin your quotation.
Non-advised sale - please note:
Our online expert witness cover is offered by Ntegrity Insurance Solutions Ltd on a 'non-advised' basis. This means that while we can help you with your application, we cannot advise you on the suitability of the product to meet your specific needs and you should take care to ensure that the policy is right for you. If your insurance needs are more complex, please call us on 01454 800 800 and we'll be happy to help find another solution for you.
How the policies work and 'claims made' cover - what this means
Professional Indemnity insurance is arranged on a ‘claims made’ basis, which means that the policy will deal with any claim you first become aware of during the period of insurance, no matter when the work giving rise to the claim was performed. If you allow Professional Indemnity insurance to lapse and become aware of a potential claim after cover has expired, you would be left without protection. It is therefore vital to maintain cover continuously against liabilities that might arise from your past after you have ceased to perform the work.
Terms of Business
Please review our Terms of Business Agreement for Commercial Online Buyers. This sets out the basis on which we work for you in delivering your insurance including the basis for the income we earn. Buying a policy online from us will be treated as your acceptance of our Terms of Business. If you have any questions on our Terms of Business please email